In 2010, I had the dubious honor of producing the most iAds of any creative. There were about 10 that I worked on or managed, including one of the first iAds for iPhone and iPad.
Here's a sizzle reel montage of the group of iAds. Yes, I said sizzle.
This was the first iAd AT&T produced, and one of the first in the industry. It was used as a tool to help people visualize how much data a person could use depending on their data plan. I liked this concept because it really used the functionality of the iPhone. Originally the data field at the start was supposed to be more interactive, but in the end was constrained by data speeds. Oh well. Apple uses it is as an example on their website. Thanks Apple!
This iAd was for a service AT&T provides called "Family Map" It lets you see where your child is by using the GPS on their phone, We didn't want to seem that it was a punishment for kids, or that you were just a super helicopter parent, so the team came up with the idea of using parents who weren't perfect angels when they were teenagers to demonstrate why this service would be of value. Nice work by Jesse Snyder (AD) and Pete Marquis (CW).
This iAd was for AT&T U-Verse. They wanted customers to know that U-verse could be where their customers were and used on a variety of devices. The team created this seamless loop of action with interactive hotspots to highlight the features. Eric Wagliardo (AD) Howard Myint (CW)