Street Soccer USA helps homeless people through sport. They have a success rate of 75% of their players getting off the street within a year. I had the pleasure of working with this organization (through Publicis) to promote their Homeless World Cup event in Times Square. The stories of these hard working men and women changing their lives is inspirational. We wanted to juxtapose their struggles along with their success through the program to give a feeling of empowerment. Huge thanks to the super talented and generous Dylan Coulter who's photography brought this campaign to life.
2013 New York ADDY - Silver, Public Service Campaign, Integrated
Case Study Video was used to show the success and promote the organization, solicit donations and bring awareness to the event in Times Square.
Posters were posted around New York to bring awareness to Street Soccer and promote the event.

SSUSA holds the National Finals annually, where 20 teams from across the U.S. compete. Held in Times Square, the event is open to the public to raise awareness and for fundraising. This video played on the ClearChannel jumbotron during the event. It featured the shields that each team wears as their team name.